M.I.P.A./Ph.D. Program Requirements

Required Courses:

NTP 610: Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
NTP 611: Systems Neuroscience
NTP 700: Professional Development
NTP 900: Neuroscience Seminar (each semester)

Students must also take a mid-level elective in both cellular/molecular/developmental neuroscience and systems/behavioral neuroscience. Approved courses can be found on the NTP website.

Ethics Requirement:

Students must complete responsible conduct of research training. To do so, students must complete 2 ethics seminars (approved by the NTP office) in each of your first 3 years and complete a NTP approved ethics subgroup, UW ethics course, or an NTP office approved ethics event/activity your first and third year in the Program. The NTP office helps you track this requirement.

Additional Requirements:

  • Students must select a thesis advisor by the end of their first year.
  • The thesis and advisory committee will include faculty from neuroscience and public policy.

Required Coursework

  • International Governance 850
  • Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Public Policy Analysis 818
  • Macroeconomic Policy Analysis and International Financial Regulation 854
  • Microeconmic Policy Analysis 880
  • Introduction to Policy Analysis 873
  • Workshop in Public Affairs 860
  • Public Policy Internship

Elective Courses for the M.I.P.A. Degree

To complete the M.I.P.A. degree, students must complete 21 elective credits by enrolling in courses similar to those listed below.

  • Quantitative Methods 819 or Biomedical Informatics 576
  • Introduction to Public Management 878
  • Political Economy of Corruption and Good Governance 857
  • Trade, Competition and Governance in a Global Economy 856
  • Global Environmental Governance 866
  • Government Finance in Developing Countries 867
  • Science & Technology Policy Elective
  • Bioethics/Law and Science Elective

*NTP 610 and NTP 611 can count toward M.P.A. electives along with up to four credits of the Neuroscience & Public Policy Seminar (NTP 660).

  • Neuroscience & Public Policy Seminar:
    Each semester, N&PP students must enroll in the seminar course, NTP 660. The seminar meets twice monthly and four credits of the seminar can count toward the M.P.A. elective credit requirements.
  • Neuroscience & International Public Policy Research Paper:
    Following the first six semesters of graduate study in the program, students must complete a comprehensive research paper on a topic that bridges neuroscience and international public policy. The paper is presented to the student’s thesis advisory committee. Successful completion of the research paper and its defense before the advisory committee will fulfill half of the Preliminary Examination requirements for the Ph.D. in Neuroscience.
  • Public Policy Internship:
    Students in the program are required to complete a summer internship at the end of the third academic year in the program working in an area of science and international public policy. Examples include a state or federal government agency, advocacy organization, science funding agency, patient organization, scientific professional organization, etc.